Freelance Work Collection of current freelance work Done under Great Lakes Goons, LLC \ Kirstin Volkening Brochure created to advertise Adult Classes for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.Brochure created to advertise Workshops for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.Brochure created to advertise Rentals for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.Homepage created in Squarespace for The Revival to show off all they offer.Workshop page from The Revival’s new websiteA custom navigation fly-out advertising a new bone shape.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Email created and sent to customers to hype them up about the new treat launch.Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.Email sent to customers advertising what makes these treats so unique.Pinned Instagram posts advertising the new launch item for customers to easily reference.Gif created for an email and social channels to advertise the sale ending soon.Custom peanut butter jar created to send to influencers to advertise the new bone shape.Feather flags created for a dog-friendly 5K hosted at a BarK facility in Kansas City.Virtual race kit email header after the BarK 5K to sell extra race kits to those who couldn’t make it in-person.Virtual race kit Instagram Story after the BarK 5K to sell extra race kits to those who couldn’t make it in-person.Custom medals, ribbons, shirts and race bibs featured at the award ceremony for the dog-friendly 5K at BarK in Kansas City.Participant in the dog-friendly 5K hosted at BarK in Kansas City.